Monday, May 30, 2011

Ready or we go

Wow.  Right now Micah and I are sitting in the Philadelphia USO wasting about 4 hours until we get on a plane and fly to Venice. 
The past week or so has been a complete blur.  We sold our car, so we've been driving a rental.  We somehow acquired alot more stuff than we came to Georgia with so we were up until 1am attempting to not pay $200 for our baggage.  And although I technically have been doing nothing, I feel like I have been searching things on the computer and calling random people about random things for the past couple weeks.
Airborne school went really well for Micah, but he is completely worn out.  The heat (mid 90's and near 100% humidity) and the long days (16-18 hours) really wore him out.  This past week he made his actual jumps and did really well, but he's pretty banged up and still exhausted. It was an awesome thing to be able to watch him make his jumps, but the long days of standing in the sun took their toll on me as well. 
All that to say that the weekend with our friends in Charleston was definitely needed.  They have twin boys that are now about 3 weeks old, so they were completely on board with our sleep in and hang out plan.  And I got me some baby time :) Of course it was a little bit nutty with trying to pack everything, ship what we needed, call family one last time, and try and gather our thoughts so that we would have everything in order before we left. But all in all it was a great weekend, and regardless of whether or not we remembered everything and got everything sorted out or got enough sleep, we're on our way to Italy. 
As scattered and fleeting as my emotions are on the subject, just today God has reminded us that he is in control even when I am definitely not.  Our worries about actually getting from the rental car return to the terminal with all of our bags were calmed when their was a luggage cart right where we dropped the car off. Our worries about getting to the airport late because we forgot to get gas in the car were calmed because there was no line or trouble with security. Our worries about the amount of suitcases and weight were calmed when we discovered weight wasn't an issue and all of our bags were free.  In our weakness, we see his strength, even in the little things.  So as of now, we are both just anxious to get there and see what else God has got up his sleeve.