Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Our days in Riverside are rapidly coming to a close.  We finally got a moving date figured out, January 26, which I realized last night is a week from today.  Right now Micah and I are still working so I don't think it has really hit us yet, but my last day of work is tomorrow and his is Monday.  So I think all the chaos will start to become real very soon.  There is however a long list of random things we need to figure out or accomplish before we leave Riverside. Not to mention a lot of food we need to eat so that we don't have to throw it out! The biggest things are ridding the house of whatever we don't want to haul across the country, and getting everything that we're taking to South Carolina together so that they don't pack it. I am just so thankful that we don't have to pack everything up ourselves!!!!!!!
As chaotic as it's beginning to be, God has been faithfully reminding me to keep the right attitude throught it all.  We get to help some good friends out who recently got engaged by giving them our fridge and dishes. Not to mention we have been seriously blessed with a great first apartment that we weren't expecting, so I can't wait to see what else He has in mind!  But most importantly, everyone that is really hard to leave has been a huge blessing in our lives!  Great jobs with great people, amazing friends, an amazing church, and the coolest family possible!  We have never been void of laughs, support, encouragement, or challenge to grow.
But lately the thing I've been most thankful for though is my hubby!  I married an amazing man with a heart that wants to protect and defend. He is always selfless and looking after me.  He works so hard at whatever he does and truly just wants to help people. I couldn't be prouder of what he does or who he is.
I've been so thankful lately that God led me to focus on that, because that makes this whole process so much more of a joy.  If for no other reason I am moving because I want to support my husband because I'm proud of him.  I don't want to be some crazy lady freaking out because I don't know all the details.  I want to be the cool wife signed on for an insane road trip and then overseas adventure.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chai Me

There are few things that my coffee shop has that are better than Starbucks, but their chai rocks!  Since discovering this the money I get from tips goes away a little faster.  My chai latte makes me feel at home.  Yes, I realize how crazy that sounds but its true.  Admit it, you know those drinks that just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, content, and make you want to smile.  A slightly weird and simple joy in life, but a joy nonetheless.
I've always attempted to be intentional about recognizing those little joys in life. All in all I think I appreciate the things that I have, although I'm not always as vocal as I should be about it.  But lately I've been trying to be as purposeful about recognizing the ways that God has been repeatedly faithful in the way he has directed my life.  So I have begun journaling all the times in which God's plan has been better than mine.  I really wish I had done this sooner, but somehow it never seemed necessary.  I know that God's plan is better than mine.  I know that whatever changes is always for His purpose.  And yet, my daily thoughts and random freak outs don't always reflect that mind set.
Since I collected all these adorable journals, I have also began journaling about my fears.  Through the women's retreat, my small group, and some other random conversations I've begun to realize that I am plagued with fear.  Through taking a wise woman's advice and "playing out the fear to its end", I'm discovering that it all comes down to whether or not I truly trust whether God's plan is better than mine.  Sounds familiar right?
My hope is that I will begin to recognize the thought patterns that contradict what I know to be true: God's way is always better.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bye-bye Christmas

So it is amazing to me how completely sad it always is after the Christmas season is over. There are months of buying gifts, crazy awesome decorations, sappy and fun music, and stories of being a kid and being joyful.  Not to mention celebrating the birth of our Savior!  Then one day passes and it reminds me of when I found out Santa Clause isn't real.
But this Christmas was even more of an emotional roller coaster because it was our first Christmas together.  We had the adventure of getting our first tree, figuring out how to keep it alive, and the fun of having it make the apartment smell amazing.  We bought decorations for the tree and apartment, which fulfilled numerous ridiculous fantasies I had when I was younger.  We bought gifts as a couple, sang carols, and for once we celebrated Christmas morning together (void of day before the wedding distractions).  All this to say that our Christmas was especially full of wonder!
So it was especially disappointing to have to end the season.  The other day we finally took down the tree and the amazing smell that still accompanied it.  I knew that it would be kind of an aw, bummer kind of moment but I really didn't anticipate the tearing up part of the evening.
It kind of hit me.  I really don't know what our next Christmas will look like.  We won't be in our first apartment near all kinds of family.  It wasn't necessarily terrifying, but the reality of the move just sort of came to life for me in that moment.
Then yesterday Micah and I were driving, singing along to the radio, and just having some good talks.  All the sudden I just got this crazy giddy feeling.  You know, the kind where you feel like a little kid going to Disneyland for the first time. Anyways, I realized that despite how terrified I am about the little unknowns of the next year, I really am looking forward to part of it.  Instead of thinking as a grown up having to be responsible and have everything figured out, I just have to look at the whole experience like a teenager just taking a long vacation.  I'm looking forward to taking a roadtrip with the hubby, of living at our first post, and ultimately going on a crazy adventure with my best friend. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coffee Shop Revelations

Just a quick thought for today.  The ways that God can kind of give you a hug are simply insane. 
There's a regular customer at the coffee shop that I work at that I've been attempting to develop a relationship with.  He's an old veteran who is basically just a grump. For some reason he has taken a liking to me, and every once in awhile will open up about his life.  
Today he was reading a book.  Apparently it was written by a priest who works to rehabilitate gang members in LA. He then explained that he could never have the patience to do something like that.  
At that moment, I saw my chance to interject with some faith talk.  I began describing the amazing joy that comes with knowing your strength isn't the only one that matters. Having faith isn't just about trying hard, it's about accepting God's power, love, strength, patience, and a whole lot of other traits when yours fails. 
It's not like I had an out of body experience or anything.  More like what I had been reminded of on Sunday(2 Corinthians 12:9), just came to life.  I daily pity this man because he is so cynical and unhappy.  Listening to him is a constant reminder of what living without the resources of God would be like.  And yet too often I focus so hard on doing my best, like figuring out all that I can about moving, that I lose focus on the amazing power that God offers to me as a resource.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My attempt in the blogoshpere

Well hello to everyone out there. I married my best friend a year ago now, and have been loving every minute of it. Now comes the adventure that I committed to when I said I do.  I am now Mrs. Lt.Washam, and a part of the active Army.
I knew what I was getting into.  Well, at least I knew that my life wouldn't be what I always pictured.  But I also knew that I married an amazing man with a huge heart.  It is why he does what he does, and why I continue to fall in love with him every day. 
We are scheduled to report for training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina on February 6 and will be there until May 2.  This is really exciting for a few reasons.  Micah proposed in South Carolina, we have some dear friends out there expecting twin boys, and we are so ready to be out of California. 
Micah then goes to Ft. Benning, Georgia until May 20 for airborne training.  He is so excited to be able to jump out of planes...odd, but I'm happy for him!
We then are required to report to Vicenza, Italy for our permanent station.  Yes, you read right, ITALY!  We are really excited about this because, well, it's Europe!  Not to mention Micah's sister Bethany is stationed in Germany and will be about 7 hours away! 
Now obviously all of these changes are really exciting, but all of these changes are also completely terrifying to me!  Mostly because they all are CHANGE.  I hate change.  I am plain jane. I wear plain clothes that are the same and in different colors.  I eat the same plain food at home and when we go out to eat.  Change, especially moving, asbolutely scares me. I moved as a kid a couple times, and it was purely awful.  Things such as eating lunch in the bathroom were involved.  So it is really difficult to hear the word MOVE and remain calm.
But here's the thing.  I have a relationship with God Almighty.  I know that He is bigger than any situation we might encounter over the next few years.  He is in control.  He has also repeatedly proven that if I genuinely seek His will, He will always take care of me.  
It is for that reason that you can find this blog at washamadventure.  I know that God will provide, and I hope that you will join me in finding out how.