Monday, October 10, 2011


Alright well it has yet again been forever since I last posted.  The latest news is that I can now drive our car!  Micah has had a lot of training lately, and in August while he was gone I went up to visit my sister-in-law Bethany and her family.  While I was there she graciously took me out several times to practice driving because Germany actually has normal roads that aren't too crowded.  So by the time I got home I at least felt comfortable enough to try and drive to post when the roads were relatively empty!  Although it's only been a couple weeks I'm getting pretty comfortable driving the car simply because Micah is off training again so I've been driving around alot. The problem now is getting comfortable driving in Italy.  Italians are pretty much crazy drivers and they have crazy roads.  You have to make split second decisions because the roads split constantly and really quickly.  The problem is that our Garmin is delayed, and the streets aren't marked for the most part, so it's really hard to follow.  So I'm still really nervous about getting places where I haven't been before.
It's been tough to have Micah gone so much lately but God has been blessing me with people that are including me in their lives.  A couple weeks ago I became the Secretary for the FRG (Family Readiness Group).  Bascially these women are the contact between the unit and families and try to be a social coordinator for the unit.  It's a volunteer thing, and it won't take up tons of time, but it will be a great way to be connected with other people in the unit.  Lately I've been spending alot of time with the FRG leader, which has been so nice!  Honestly, just to have someone that calls me other than Micah is pretty cool.  There's also another woman that I've been spending more time with.  She's the wife of a guy that did ROTC with Micah.  They helped us out alot when we first got here, but he's training more than Micah and she works so we haven't really spent consistent time with each other. She is just a wonderfully sweet low-key person with a real heart for God.  I'm hoping that we can continue to get closer.
It's been a continuous challenge for me to make friends, but God is working in spite of me.  When I get to know people my instinct is to be quiet and when I make a conscious effort to be sociable I usually end up interrupting, babbling, or just being annoying! Or I put on my small talk pastor's daughter face and people don't get to know the real me.  So God has really been challenging me to be open with people and I've just been praying that as I commit to being real with people that He will bless me with social skills.  More than that, that he would continue to guide me in developing relationships with people that he wants.
I've been continuing to think and pray about what to do with my time here.  Being involved in FRG is great, and I got all the paperwork to start volunteering at the Red Cross. I'm still thinking about taking courses to get my medical coding and billing certification.
As for Micah, he's just been extremely busy with work.  He's still discovering what his job looks like, and really struggling with not being able to do everything perfectly and ahead of schedule.  Not to mention they are really busy with lots of training and so his superiors don't have much time to really teach.  My husband loves to help people and hates to let people down so every day is a challenge as he learns. 
We are really looking forward to the holidays coming up and spending some time together.  Being apart is definitely tough, but we are fortunate in that we will never take our time together for granted. In the meantime, I am trying to just focus on finding my worth and joy in Christ.
Psalm 86:11-12 "Teach me your way O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.  I will praise you with all my heart, O Lord my God, I will glorify your name forever."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Slow and steady

Well yet again it's been awhile.  The days are slow and yet overwhelming.  We've been in Italy now for about two and a half months, and yet it feels like a week. 

Since Micah started work everything has been kind of a blur.  My days are pretty slow, just filled of endless thinking, researching, planning and Gilmore Girls.  Nights and weekends are pretty much filled with Micah trying to recuperate and me trying to squeeze in time with him.  Work has been pretty overwhelming for him just trying to figure out his responsibilities.  He learned when he started that he's also linked with the commander so he's separated from the rest of his guys. They're gearing up for lots of training too, so there hasn't been much time for instruction or guidance on what to do and how to do it.  So prayer that as he continues to focus on bringing God glory through his work God would provide him with a peace and comfort.

We're still working on getting settled in the house. The car is a manual which I can't drive yet.  I've learned how before but never really drove one.  So between trying to find time and not really having anywhere to practice it's just not happening. Which has made shopping, putting together furniture, or decorating a very slow process.
Once the house is settled and I can actually drive I'll start thinking more seriously about getting a job to keep myself occupied.  Jobs are hard to come by here since it's such a small post.  My options pretty much are whether I want to be a checker at the PX or the commissary.  Which is kind of a bummer, but it's alright since I just want something to keep me busy.  I'm thinking of possibly getting some certifications in medical coding.  It would be something that I could possibly do at home later on.  It also would be something to do, and would be paid for by military spouse tuition assistance if I do it relatively soon. 

Italy is still very interesting to us, and we're still trying to adjust.  Don't get me wrong Italy is wonderful, but it's wonderful when we get to be tourists and travel around and go out.  The rest of the time it's like being in any other place going to work and going to sleep.  Except without the convenience we're used to in the states. 
The gelato definitely makes up for alot, but I think the weirdest part about being here is that going out you can only get Italian food.  Again I love Italian food, but pizza and pasta are the choices.  You can't order a pizza, or get Chinese food, or a burger, or Mexican food (real or Del Taco), or anything else.

I've really just been struggling with what God's wanting for my time while we're here. As of yet, we haven't been able to find a church and there aren't many choices.  As time goes on I'm sure that I'll become more involved in army wife life, but that comes with connections and usually deployments.  So I've been trying to focus on becoming closer to God and stepping out in obedience no matter how silly or small it may be. Prayer that my heart will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit would be much appreciated.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Italy Update

I'm starting to feel like all my latest posts have started with me saying, "Wow", but well, it fits again.  We have now been here in Italy for about three weeks, and as usual I feel like so much has happened and yet nothing all at the same time. 
Our travel went really smoothly.  The flight into Venice was definitely void of any entertainment, but it was only the two of us in the row and we were both able to sleep a good amount.  Once we got into Venice the liason from the post met us right outside customs and we got all our bags quickly so we were able to catch the shuttle back to the post right away.  On the shuttle we met an officer who gave us lots of advice on random things and let us use his phone to call our sponsor (an officer who is assigned to help us settle in) who was supposed to take us to our hotel.  We spent the first night in an Italian hotel that was right off post.  It was fine, but just highlighted the unsettledness that comes from being in another country. Our sponsor gave us and all of our luggage a ride to the on post hotel the next day.  We've been staying there since.  It's basically like any nice American hotel suite.  It's been a blessing just because it's been a place of comfort in the midst of feeling constantly out of place. 
Our time since has essentially consisted of us going around to basically every office on post.  Micah got a 2 page list of things to do.  The tough thing has been that there have been two four day weekends when the post has been closed.  Probably half of those that work on post are Italian civilians, so when they have national holidays the offices shut down.  When you combine that with the American holidays and the four day weekend every month, it's pretty hard to get things done around here. 
Most of that time has been our many trips to the housing office, although comparatively, we were able to get into a place fairly quickly.  Our original goal was to find a place close to post so that we wouldn't have to get a car. We ended up being faced with choosing between fairly decent places that still weren't as close as we would have liked and a place about 15 min (4 miles) away, that was by far the best as far as space and Americanization and was a better situation as far as the neighborhood and landlords.  So we chose the latter, and are so excited to move in TOMORROW! Check out my Facebook for pictures...for some reason it takes forever to load pictures onto my blog.
Essentially we live in a duplex.  It's a house but our landlords, a couple about our parents' age and their two daughters in their 20's, live upstairs.  They are the sweetest people, and the picture of Italian hospitality.  We finally found a car here, a Euro spec 2003 Ford Fiesta, which was more than we thought we'd be able to get and we were overjoyed because for weeks we couldn't find anything because so many people are coming here right now.  The only trick is that we can't get it until the 6th.  So anyway, we had to be at the house for several hours this afternoon to wait for our government appliances and wardrobes, and Paoulo the husband, came downstairs with a tray of homemade pasta and water for the two of us to enjoy on the porch swing.  Then invited us upstairs for "cafe" with he and his oldest daughter.  We were planning to try and catch the bus back to post, but the daughter graciously offered to give us a ride back.  Then Paoulo offered to take Micah back and forth with him to post next week. 
We are going to love it here, mostly just because of the trips on the weekends, but it's going to take some time to get used to not having things we're used to.  We get about ten english channels on TV through the military, but I haven't found anything that I really want to watch, and everything is about a month behind.  We can't use Pandora or watch tv online through network sites because of agreements and things, although I still can watch through one site that I found.  Eating out is different than the States in that Italian food is the only option, which is good, but pizza and pasta is basically it.  The first couple weeks that we were here the EU had the restriction of lettuce, tomato, and cucumber on all restaurants so having to eat fast food on post for weeks got old quick. Besides the commissary, Coke is served and not Pepsi, does not have free refills, and is really expensive as long as water.  The PX and Commissary are decent, but with only one other main store in Vicenza it may be tough to get alot of things. We have a theater so we can watch things in English, but they show 4 movies only on the weekends that are about a month behind.
So although getting situated to Italy and settled in our house will take some time, we are blessed to have wonderful landlords and great friends from ROTC that continue to be God's comfort to us.  God is God, and I don't have to glad :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ready or we go

Wow.  Right now Micah and I are sitting in the Philadelphia USO wasting about 4 hours until we get on a plane and fly to Venice. 
The past week or so has been a complete blur.  We sold our car, so we've been driving a rental.  We somehow acquired alot more stuff than we came to Georgia with so we were up until 1am attempting to not pay $200 for our baggage.  And although I technically have been doing nothing, I feel like I have been searching things on the computer and calling random people about random things for the past couple weeks.
Airborne school went really well for Micah, but he is completely worn out.  The heat (mid 90's and near 100% humidity) and the long days (16-18 hours) really wore him out.  This past week he made his actual jumps and did really well, but he's pretty banged up and still exhausted. It was an awesome thing to be able to watch him make his jumps, but the long days of standing in the sun took their toll on me as well. 
All that to say that the weekend with our friends in Charleston was definitely needed.  They have twin boys that are now about 3 weeks old, so they were completely on board with our sleep in and hang out plan.  And I got me some baby time :) Of course it was a little bit nutty with trying to pack everything, ship what we needed, call family one last time, and try and gather our thoughts so that we would have everything in order before we left. But all in all it was a great weekend, and regardless of whether or not we remembered everything and got everything sorted out or got enough sleep, we're on our way to Italy. 
As scattered and fleeting as my emotions are on the subject, just today God has reminded us that he is in control even when I am definitely not.  Our worries about actually getting from the rental car return to the terminal with all of our bags were calmed when their was a luggage cart right where we dropped the car off. Our worries about getting to the airport late because we forgot to get gas in the car were calmed because there was no line or trouble with security. Our worries about the amount of suitcases and weight were calmed when we discovered weight wasn't an issue and all of our bags were free.  In our weakness, we see his strength, even in the little things.  So as of now, we are both just anxious to get there and see what else God has got up his sleeve.

Friday, April 29, 2011

His ways are higher

Our time here in South Carolina is coming to an end.  Micah and I are taking a weekend trip to Myrtle Beach which is where he proposed.  On Monday Micah graduates from AG BOLC.  I'll fly to visit my parents for a little over a week, and Micah will hang around Ft. Jackson before he reports to Ft. Benning, Georgia on Friday.  We will have about two weeks there before Micah graduates from airborne school, we have a weekend with friends in Charleston, and then it's off to Italy May 30. 
The next month is going to fly by, but it really is exciting that soon we will be at our first station.  I'm ready to start the transition and Micah is ready to start figuring out what his work will look like for the next eight years.  I'm sure that there will be many, many times in which I will have to remind myself that God is in control.
A couple weeks ago I realized how few times during my day that I think about the Almighty God that I serve, let alone praise him for who He is. I think about him during my quiet time and strive to be open to his direction throughout the day.  And yet, somehow the awesomeness of the God I serve gets kind of lost in the shuffle.  Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to figure out how to obey that I tend to lose the heart of praise. 
Isaiah 55:9 says, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."  My God is in control.  Yes that should bring me comfort, but more importantly it should bring him praise.  The Almighty God is in control for his glory, not for my comfort.  So over the next couple months that are sure to be filled with the reminder that God is in control, I hope I will develop the habit to not only be thankful for what God does for me, but more importantly praise God for who He is regardless of me.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's really happening!

I feel like so much has happened in the couple weeks since I wrote last.  The first big thing was our decision was not to ship our car to Europe.  Instead we're going to sell the car in Georgia and just buy a used car in Italy.  It sounds so silly but God really prompted the decision.  We had talked about that possibility long before we came out here to Georgia, but at the time we still owed on the car so it wasn't an option.  Then a couple days before we were planning to ship the car, a friend made a flippant comment about selling.  We definitely took the time to pray over decision as well as seek counsel, but I think I can safely say that was the quickest big decision we've ever made! 
The second huge thing was that I got my visa!  I'm really just in complete shock about this.  I was told that the process would take 6-8 weeks, but it was done in less than 2 weeks!  If that isn't a God thing, I don't know what is. Because of that, we were able to book our plane tickets to Italy!  We officially leave for Italy on May 30...oh my goodness, it's really happening! 
All in all, I have been constantly reminded that we are just flat out blessed.  Because of that, I have been constantly reminded that when God provides blessing, it is for his glory and to fulfill his purpose.  So I have been trying to be really intentional about discovering the ways in which God wants me to proclaim his glory through the blessing. 
I've really been enjoying starting my day by singing "Be Thou My Vision".  It's just been a great way to focus my thoughts on my priorities in the morning.  It's one of those hymns that I grew up listening to and always liked, but I now find the lyrics to be a beautiful prayer.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well we have definitely settled in here at Ft. Jackson, and now we're starting to look ahead to the next unknown. It's funny though, even in the short time we've spent here God has really allowed us to settle in.  I've been struggling to remind myself that God has always been faithful in that regard as we start planning months of more unknown and unsettled. 
The next step for us comes April 2nd when we have to send our car off to Italy.  Unfortunately we really need a car for the rest of our time here, but God has provided some unexpected money so that we can rent a car until we leave South Carolina.  It took a couple days of me wondering and worrying before I just started praying hard and muttering bible verses to myself about faith.  The day after I forced my perspective to be lined up with trusting, I was able to make the reservation for the car.  You think I would learn!
The second big step comes May 2nd when Micah graduates from AG BOLC.  There's some days in between that day, when we get kicked out of post housing, and when he reports in Georgia for airborne training.  It seems that nobody can tell us how that's going to work.  The army will pay to get him down to Georgia of course, but we're not sure how to get a flight arranged.  From what we've heard, we have to cover whatever other costs come up in that transition time.  I know that God will yet again provide, but as always it's difficult to live that perspective out in the 24 hours that I have in the day.  The good news is that I get to stay with Micah when he's at airborne training!!! We had heard from most people that I wouldn't be able to come.  Originally we were thinking that I could stay with friends in Charleston, but they have twin boys coming, so we weren't sure that was going to work out.  So that was a relief!  Then my parents offered to help with plane tickets so that I can stay with them for awhile before I meet Micah in Georgia. 
It's absolutely crazy the things that God has truly sorted out for us since we came out here.  It's really just another reminder to keep a watch on my emotions and my perspective as we face more unknowns. 
The biggest unknown on our plate right now is what happens after Micah finishes his airborne training.  Our first instinct was to go ahead and fly out to Europe, and take some of Micah's moving leave time to visit with Micah's sister in Germany.  Unfortunately we're not sure if that's possible because we have no way of knowing when my visa is going to come into Fort Jackson.  Ideally I could sign for it before we go to Georgia, but since my passport still isn't in I haven't been able to even start the visa process yet.  So we aren't sure if we have to find a way to get back to Ft Jackson (on our own dime) after airborne to get my visa.  There's definitely a possibility that my visa won't be ready even then in which case we have to float around Ft. Jackson (on our own dime) and hope that I'm able to get it in time for us to make Micah's report date, otherwise he may have to fly there first and have me meet him.
As we face this new and fast approaching unknown, James 1:2-4 popped up in my quiet time: "Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything". Firstly, whenever I read about the lives of the disciples I can't help but think how trivial my "trials" are and am forced to again reflect on how blessed I am. Secondly, I am forced to recognize how small my faith is at times.  In the past year there has been well over 50 times in which God has not only taken care of Micah and I in the midst of huge unknowns, but blessed our socks off. And yet, I continue to struggle to keep the perspective of trusting the God of the universe as I try to figure out the days ahead. Clearly, I have not reached mature and complete in this area, and need to be thankful for the opportunity to understand another piece of my heart that God is molding.
So okay God, I accept that I have to persevere in life, and therefore won't at any point in time have life worked out.  Please help me to simply keep putting one foot in front of the other and praising you for who you are and what you are doing in spite of me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


It is ridiculous how silly military uniforms look.  Micah had his first real dining in with his training unit last night and had to wear his ASU's, which are the dressy blue ones.  On the hanger this uniform just looks weird.  The pants are royal blue with this yellow stripe down the side, the jacket is a really dark navy blue, and they complete it with a white shirt, a black bow tie, and the floppy black beret.  Yet somehow when he puts this uniform on he is this handsome soldier that commands my attention and affection. 
It is also pretty amusing to see these put together spiffed up soldiers hanging out together after hours.  They go from brave defenders of our country to ten year old boys laughing so hard that they cry.  After Micah's event ended, a whole bunch of them (and me) went to hang out in one of their rooms.  It's really interesting to watch them interact and also really interesting to see the different kinds of people that end up together.  Some were the successful kids in school, some were the trouble makers, some were just average.  Most are single and out to have a wild time, some are in a relationship but still like to have a wild time, some are married but for all intensive purposes are single, and some are married and missing their significant other. 
When we finally got to bed last night I was just really thankful.  As much as the military can separate me from my husband, at this point I am blessed to be able to be involved in his work world.  Sometimes that means something as simple as meeting the people he's referring to in his stories.  Sometimes that means being able to see who he is to them.
I can't put into words how thankful I am to know that the man I see at home is the same man that they see.  He is respectable and respected in both realms.  Besides recognizing that he is good at what he does, it is obvious that they all respect who he is. 
One of the things I love about Micah is how easy he is to talk to.  He really cares about people, and that is really apparent.  Alot of the guys open up to him, but one of the guys in particular talked to Micah about his marriage.  It's such a sad situation but reminded me how lucky I am.  This guy has been married for years, has a three year old daughter, and his wife has decided that she doesn't want to go through the military thing.  Now I understand on some level how she could feel this way, although I can't imagine telling my daughter that her dad isn't around because I didn't want to try.  The military has a way of making you have to function sometimes as a married person and sometimes as a single person.  It's tough to navigate, and I can imagine it would be tons more difficult as a mom.  Hearing about the situation reminded me that Micah is not ultimately the one I trust, and not ultimately the one I look to for joy and fulfillment.  It is a daily challenge to remind myself of this truth, but I know it is a truth that I can trust to guide my life.  I can devote myself fully to being one with Micah but know that either in a tempoary or permanent time apart I can trust that my God has a plan for me and will be my joy and fulfillment.  These spouses that don't have the promise of Christ feel like they must live separately, and yet also be one with someone else.
Sometimes God reminds me of the alternative to a relationship with him, and I was so thankful for the reminder.  I just hope that as we go forward Micah and I can be an example of the joy and fulfillment Christ brings, especially through our marriage.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our temporary home

Well we have been at Ft Jackson for about three weeks now, and we've begun to feel that it's home.  We actually really like the post.  Even though it's winter, there's lots of pretty trees and landscape and all the building are a beautiful brick and kept up really nicely.
We had some road bumps when we got here, but I can't say we didn't expect it.  It took awhile for us to get the post decal on our car, but now we can get on post really quickly.  It also took quite a fight to get my updated military ID and get us enrolled in TriCare for this region, but that's finally figured out!
The one thing that went really smoothly was figuring out our housing.  When Micah told the lodging staff that I was with him, they moved us to a different hall than most of his classmates.  It's kind of hard to describe though.  The exterior looks like a dorm, it functions like a hotel with breakfast in the lobby and daily maid service, but feels like a miniature apartment.  It is much better than we were expecting!  I am just happy to have an alternative to sitting on the bed, a small full rather than mini fridge, and a stove top!  We don't have an oven which makes meals a little harder and means no baking, but I have to remind myself that we still have more than we expected!

Micah has been doing really well in his class and has gotten near 100% on his tests.  Needless to say, I'm really proud because the amount of information involved is pretty overwhelming. He always says that they are able to use some information, but from what I've heard about the tests I'm not convinced that is why he does well. 
He has also been really intentional about trying to spend as much time with me as he can.  I am so thankful.  My continuous goal has just been to be someone that he wants to come home to and not blast him with how bored I've been.  So I have been trying to keep busy with random things like laundry, dishes, running random errands on post figuring things out.  Not to mention a little reading, tv, working out, and recently getting our taxes figured out. 
But you know what?!  I really am so thankful to be here together.  My goal is to remind myself of the alternative to being here with Micah everytime I begin to get restless.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Settling in

Wow, well it's been about a month since I wrote last!  Lots has happened! 
Well the last couple days in Riverside were pretty much one big blur what with all the random errands, the last minute visits, and my mind going a mile a minute.  The biggest task was just figuring out everything we needed to set aside for South Carolina before the movers came.  I basically looked like a crazy person randomly running to the table and writing something down I needed to remember.  The hard part was that my first instinct was just to bring everything just in case, but we couldn't because we have to fly everything from South Carolina to Italy.  So rather than bring our case of important papers, we had to sort through anything we needed to file taxes and in-process.  All that to say, my brain was complete mush by the time we actually got in the car to leave. 
The movers came a little later than we expected, and since we had everything out and unplugged we were pretty bored!  They finally came at about one in the afternoon.  At that point we were thinking that it could be a long night since they had to pack and move all of our stuff!  But the next 3 1/2 hours was filled with us in awe as they were this ridiculous whirlwind of paper, boxes, and tape.  It was crazy!  We then faced our empty first apartment, and it finally became real that we were leaving.
But you know what?! God was really faithful in reminding me to focus on my attitude.  So in that adventurous spirit that consumed me that week, here is a picture of our unexpected and entertaining campout the night before we handed in the keys!
After that we spent a couple of days at Micah's parent's house.  Those couple of days were filled with soccer games of the niece and nephew, endless games of Settler's of Catan with my brothers and sisters-in law, Laker games, and card games.  It was awesome to be able to spend some time with family before we headed out.  Of course the goodbyes were hard, especially with the kids.
We started driving on Monday January 31st, 2011.  We were packed down real good, but we figured out how to leave access to the snacks ;) That first day was a pretty boring drive due to the flat ugly desert view.  Our first stop was in Flagstaff, Arizona which was about an 8 hour drive.  I think I probobaly would've been a little bummed that night, but we got to hang out with Micah's longtime friend Brian and his girlfriend. 
We had an awesome breakfast the next morning at Cracker Barrel, and when we checked the weather channel learned that the whole country was experiencing blizzard conditions and craziness. We took off not really knowing how far we would get in our 2 wheel drive car, but with God's protection made it to Tucumcari, New Mexico.  We drove into some of the snow, and had a little difficulty when we stopped off the interstate, but all in all were able to keep a decent pace.  That night was our first introduction to ridiculous temperatures on our trip as we walked across the street for dinner in reported -38 degrees with windchill.  Our third day was long for me because Micah was really sick so I was the sole driver that day and because we were pretty worried what we would encounter as we got into Texas and Oklahoma.  But again God really blessed us with a clear drive through Oklahoma City.  The trouble came when we got to the other side of the city.  Most of it was ice with snow on top of it, which made it navigable, but we were only moving at about 20 mph.  I was thankful that I grew up with snow and I know how to drive in it, but being around people who were spinning out, getting stuck in medians, and crashing into others was pretty un-nerving.  This was the first night that we stopped short of our goal of getting into Arkansas, but we were just thankful to be safe in a warm hotel for the night in Shawnee, Oklahoma!
We took our time the next morning hoping that it would warm up a little bit and the plows would have more opportunity to come through because outside Oklahoma City looked like it hadn't been helped at all.  The roads were still pretty bad when we left, and just getting back onto the interstate was quite a triumph, but we were able to go about 40 or 50 mph which made us very happy!  Once we got into Arkansas we had a pretty clear road and eventually stopped in West Memphis, Arkansas. 
The next day was really fun for us because we stopped for lunch in Nashville at the Hard Rock Cafe.  My awesome hubby even looked to get Opry tickets.  There wasn't anything going on, but it was a really sweet thought!  We walked around for awhile, and enjoyed the atmosphere, but were soon reminded by some dark clouds coming in that freezing rain was expected to meet us as we started driving again until we stopped for the night in Knoxville, Tennessee.
I have to admit that I was a little sad the next day that we only had a couple hundred miles to go.  I was excited because my back hurt crazy bad and we were both sick, but I kind of liked our drive.  The craziness of the weather made our time really feel like an adventure, and the fun of just talking and singing together made me kind of treasure the time in the car. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Our days in Riverside are rapidly coming to a close.  We finally got a moving date figured out, January 26, which I realized last night is a week from today.  Right now Micah and I are still working so I don't think it has really hit us yet, but my last day of work is tomorrow and his is Monday.  So I think all the chaos will start to become real very soon.  There is however a long list of random things we need to figure out or accomplish before we leave Riverside. Not to mention a lot of food we need to eat so that we don't have to throw it out! The biggest things are ridding the house of whatever we don't want to haul across the country, and getting everything that we're taking to South Carolina together so that they don't pack it. I am just so thankful that we don't have to pack everything up ourselves!!!!!!!
As chaotic as it's beginning to be, God has been faithfully reminding me to keep the right attitude throught it all.  We get to help some good friends out who recently got engaged by giving them our fridge and dishes. Not to mention we have been seriously blessed with a great first apartment that we weren't expecting, so I can't wait to see what else He has in mind!  But most importantly, everyone that is really hard to leave has been a huge blessing in our lives!  Great jobs with great people, amazing friends, an amazing church, and the coolest family possible!  We have never been void of laughs, support, encouragement, or challenge to grow.
But lately the thing I've been most thankful for though is my hubby!  I married an amazing man with a heart that wants to protect and defend. He is always selfless and looking after me.  He works so hard at whatever he does and truly just wants to help people. I couldn't be prouder of what he does or who he is.
I've been so thankful lately that God led me to focus on that, because that makes this whole process so much more of a joy.  If for no other reason I am moving because I want to support my husband because I'm proud of him.  I don't want to be some crazy lady freaking out because I don't know all the details.  I want to be the cool wife signed on for an insane road trip and then overseas adventure.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chai Me

There are few things that my coffee shop has that are better than Starbucks, but their chai rocks!  Since discovering this the money I get from tips goes away a little faster.  My chai latte makes me feel at home.  Yes, I realize how crazy that sounds but its true.  Admit it, you know those drinks that just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, content, and make you want to smile.  A slightly weird and simple joy in life, but a joy nonetheless.
I've always attempted to be intentional about recognizing those little joys in life. All in all I think I appreciate the things that I have, although I'm not always as vocal as I should be about it.  But lately I've been trying to be as purposeful about recognizing the ways that God has been repeatedly faithful in the way he has directed my life.  So I have begun journaling all the times in which God's plan has been better than mine.  I really wish I had done this sooner, but somehow it never seemed necessary.  I know that God's plan is better than mine.  I know that whatever changes is always for His purpose.  And yet, my daily thoughts and random freak outs don't always reflect that mind set.
Since I collected all these adorable journals, I have also began journaling about my fears.  Through the women's retreat, my small group, and some other random conversations I've begun to realize that I am plagued with fear.  Through taking a wise woman's advice and "playing out the fear to its end", I'm discovering that it all comes down to whether or not I truly trust whether God's plan is better than mine.  Sounds familiar right?
My hope is that I will begin to recognize the thought patterns that contradict what I know to be true: God's way is always better.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bye-bye Christmas

So it is amazing to me how completely sad it always is after the Christmas season is over. There are months of buying gifts, crazy awesome decorations, sappy and fun music, and stories of being a kid and being joyful.  Not to mention celebrating the birth of our Savior!  Then one day passes and it reminds me of when I found out Santa Clause isn't real.
But this Christmas was even more of an emotional roller coaster because it was our first Christmas together.  We had the adventure of getting our first tree, figuring out how to keep it alive, and the fun of having it make the apartment smell amazing.  We bought decorations for the tree and apartment, which fulfilled numerous ridiculous fantasies I had when I was younger.  We bought gifts as a couple, sang carols, and for once we celebrated Christmas morning together (void of day before the wedding distractions).  All this to say that our Christmas was especially full of wonder!
So it was especially disappointing to have to end the season.  The other day we finally took down the tree and the amazing smell that still accompanied it.  I knew that it would be kind of an aw, bummer kind of moment but I really didn't anticipate the tearing up part of the evening.
It kind of hit me.  I really don't know what our next Christmas will look like.  We won't be in our first apartment near all kinds of family.  It wasn't necessarily terrifying, but the reality of the move just sort of came to life for me in that moment.
Then yesterday Micah and I were driving, singing along to the radio, and just having some good talks.  All the sudden I just got this crazy giddy feeling.  You know, the kind where you feel like a little kid going to Disneyland for the first time. Anyways, I realized that despite how terrified I am about the little unknowns of the next year, I really am looking forward to part of it.  Instead of thinking as a grown up having to be responsible and have everything figured out, I just have to look at the whole experience like a teenager just taking a long vacation.  I'm looking forward to taking a roadtrip with the hubby, of living at our first post, and ultimately going on a crazy adventure with my best friend. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coffee Shop Revelations

Just a quick thought for today.  The ways that God can kind of give you a hug are simply insane. 
There's a regular customer at the coffee shop that I work at that I've been attempting to develop a relationship with.  He's an old veteran who is basically just a grump. For some reason he has taken a liking to me, and every once in awhile will open up about his life.  
Today he was reading a book.  Apparently it was written by a priest who works to rehabilitate gang members in LA. He then explained that he could never have the patience to do something like that.  
At that moment, I saw my chance to interject with some faith talk.  I began describing the amazing joy that comes with knowing your strength isn't the only one that matters. Having faith isn't just about trying hard, it's about accepting God's power, love, strength, patience, and a whole lot of other traits when yours fails. 
It's not like I had an out of body experience or anything.  More like what I had been reminded of on Sunday(2 Corinthians 12:9), just came to life.  I daily pity this man because he is so cynical and unhappy.  Listening to him is a constant reminder of what living without the resources of God would be like.  And yet too often I focus so hard on doing my best, like figuring out all that I can about moving, that I lose focus on the amazing power that God offers to me as a resource.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My attempt in the blogoshpere

Well hello to everyone out there. I married my best friend a year ago now, and have been loving every minute of it. Now comes the adventure that I committed to when I said I do.  I am now Mrs. Lt.Washam, and a part of the active Army.
I knew what I was getting into.  Well, at least I knew that my life wouldn't be what I always pictured.  But I also knew that I married an amazing man with a huge heart.  It is why he does what he does, and why I continue to fall in love with him every day. 
We are scheduled to report for training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina on February 6 and will be there until May 2.  This is really exciting for a few reasons.  Micah proposed in South Carolina, we have some dear friends out there expecting twin boys, and we are so ready to be out of California. 
Micah then goes to Ft. Benning, Georgia until May 20 for airborne training.  He is so excited to be able to jump out of planes...odd, but I'm happy for him!
We then are required to report to Vicenza, Italy for our permanent station.  Yes, you read right, ITALY!  We are really excited about this because, well, it's Europe!  Not to mention Micah's sister Bethany is stationed in Germany and will be about 7 hours away! 
Now obviously all of these changes are really exciting, but all of these changes are also completely terrifying to me!  Mostly because they all are CHANGE.  I hate change.  I am plain jane. I wear plain clothes that are the same and in different colors.  I eat the same plain food at home and when we go out to eat.  Change, especially moving, asbolutely scares me. I moved as a kid a couple times, and it was purely awful.  Things such as eating lunch in the bathroom were involved.  So it is really difficult to hear the word MOVE and remain calm.
But here's the thing.  I have a relationship with God Almighty.  I know that He is bigger than any situation we might encounter over the next few years.  He is in control.  He has also repeatedly proven that if I genuinely seek His will, He will always take care of me.  
It is for that reason that you can find this blog at washamadventure.  I know that God will provide, and I hope that you will join me in finding out how.