Friday, April 15, 2011

It's really happening!

I feel like so much has happened in the couple weeks since I wrote last.  The first big thing was our decision was not to ship our car to Europe.  Instead we're going to sell the car in Georgia and just buy a used car in Italy.  It sounds so silly but God really prompted the decision.  We had talked about that possibility long before we came out here to Georgia, but at the time we still owed on the car so it wasn't an option.  Then a couple days before we were planning to ship the car, a friend made a flippant comment about selling.  We definitely took the time to pray over decision as well as seek counsel, but I think I can safely say that was the quickest big decision we've ever made! 
The second huge thing was that I got my visa!  I'm really just in complete shock about this.  I was told that the process would take 6-8 weeks, but it was done in less than 2 weeks!  If that isn't a God thing, I don't know what is. Because of that, we were able to book our plane tickets to Italy!  We officially leave for Italy on May 30...oh my goodness, it's really happening! 
All in all, I have been constantly reminded that we are just flat out blessed.  Because of that, I have been constantly reminded that when God provides blessing, it is for his glory and to fulfill his purpose.  So I have been trying to be really intentional about discovering the ways in which God wants me to proclaim his glory through the blessing. 
I've really been enjoying starting my day by singing "Be Thou My Vision".  It's just been a great way to focus my thoughts on my priorities in the morning.  It's one of those hymns that I grew up listening to and always liked, but I now find the lyrics to be a beautiful prayer.

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