Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My attempt in the blogoshpere

Well hello to everyone out there. I married my best friend a year ago now, and have been loving every minute of it. Now comes the adventure that I committed to when I said I do.  I am now Mrs. Lt.Washam, and a part of the active Army.
I knew what I was getting into.  Well, at least I knew that my life wouldn't be what I always pictured.  But I also knew that I married an amazing man with a huge heart.  It is why he does what he does, and why I continue to fall in love with him every day. 
We are scheduled to report for training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina on February 6 and will be there until May 2.  This is really exciting for a few reasons.  Micah proposed in South Carolina, we have some dear friends out there expecting twin boys, and we are so ready to be out of California. 
Micah then goes to Ft. Benning, Georgia until May 20 for airborne training.  He is so excited to be able to jump out of planes...odd, but I'm happy for him!
We then are required to report to Vicenza, Italy for our permanent station.  Yes, you read right, ITALY!  We are really excited about this because, well, it's Europe!  Not to mention Micah's sister Bethany is stationed in Germany and will be about 7 hours away! 
Now obviously all of these changes are really exciting, but all of these changes are also completely terrifying to me!  Mostly because they all are CHANGE.  I hate change.  I am plain jane. I wear plain clothes that are the same and in different colors.  I eat the same plain food at home and when we go out to eat.  Change, especially moving, asbolutely scares me. I moved as a kid a couple times, and it was purely awful.  Things such as eating lunch in the bathroom were involved.  So it is really difficult to hear the word MOVE and remain calm.
But here's the thing.  I have a relationship with God Almighty.  I know that He is bigger than any situation we might encounter over the next few years.  He is in control.  He has also repeatedly proven that if I genuinely seek His will, He will always take care of me.  
It is for that reason that you can find this blog at washamadventure.  I know that God will provide, and I hope that you will join me in finding out how. 


  1. Blogs are so fun - I'm good at reading them but not keeping my own updated! ha - sounds like you two have quite the adventure ahead of you! Thank you to BOTH of you for serving our great Country - and with that - we will keep you both in our prayers!

  2. I love this and can't wait to hear more! I love and miss you...
